On What We're Working For

What are you working for?

Is it for the value you’re creating?

The problems you’re solving?

The purpose you’re serving?

The stability you’re experiencing?

The results you’re achieving?

The recognition you’re receiving?

The people with whom you’re collaborating? 

The money you’re earning?

The prestige you’re feeling?

The approval you’re getting?

There’s no wrong answer.  But we should know what it is and if we’re at peace with it.  

If not, it’s an opportunity to evaluate why we’re in the situation we’re in and if it’s still worth it.

It’s hard to get off the track we’re on. It’s usually easier to follow the forward momentum and rinse/repeat.

But the flip side is that sometimes it can feel like our life depends on us getting off that track. To make a conscious choice to stop the train and change course in a direction that makes us feel alive, whole, fulfilled, or whatever-you-need-from-work again.




On Oversimplifying


On Inertia Carrying Us Forward